BlackBird Fly Sundome Special Edition

評分3.3(2)本体のみです。数回使用のみです。カメラレンズカバーに傷がございます。ガラスケース、付属品、保証書、説明書がございません。ご理解ご了承の上購入検討願います ...,供應中Thereisnofog.Weekendsarenotavailablebecauseofficeisclosed.Beautifulcondit...。參考影片的文章的如下:


評分 3.3 (2) 本体のみです。数回使用のみです。カメラレンズカバーに傷がございます。 ガラスケース 、付属品、保証書、説明書がございません。 ご理解ご了承の上購入検討願います ...

Blackbird Fly SUNDOME Limited 35mm Camera TLR Twin

供應中 There is no fog. Weekends are not available because office is closed. Beautiful condition. There are no large dusts. There are no scratches.

[BMC] Blackbird Fly 135 Twin Lens Reflex Camera Sundome

供應中 This plastic camera uses 35mm film. It also lets you take photos in three formats (24x24mm, 24x36mm and 36x36mm) so you'll never get bored of all the unique ...

Blackbird Fly Sundome Limited Edition 35mm TLR India

評分 5.0 (1) The Blackbird Fly also comes with two film masks, measuring 24 x 36mm and 24 x 24mm, allowing you to experiment with different formats and capture unique shots.

Blackbird Fly Sundome すんドめ Limited Edition TLR 35mm Film ...

評分 4.9 (124) Limited Edition release of the SuperHeadz Blackbird Fly retro-pseudo-TLR, with itasha-style artwork splashed across the front from the popular Sundome manga ...

Blackbird Fly Black Bird 35mm TLR Twin

NEW BlackBird Fly Sundome Limited Edition 35mm TLR Twin-Lens Reflex Camera. Item# 924-SUNDOME. Ships Same Day (order by 2pm pst Mon-Fri). $295.95.

Blackbird fly Sundome TLR Camera

Superheadz have released a sequel to their immensely popular blackbird, fly TLR camera, this limited edition Sundome manga version.

Blackbird fly Sundome TLR Camera

Sundome manga-themed blackbird, fly TLR camera in special box; Camera type: 35mm twin lens reflex; Aperture: f7 (cloudy) f11 (fine weather); Format: 24x24mm, ...


評分3.3(2)本体のみです。数回使用のみです。カメラレンズカバーに傷がございます。ガラスケース、付属品、保証書、説明書がございません。ご理解ご了承の上購入検討願います ...,供應中Thereisnofog.Weekendsarenotavailablebecauseofficeisclosed.Beautifulcondition.Therearenolargedusts.Therearenoscratches.,供應中Thisplasticcamerauses35mmfilm.Italsoletsyoutakephotosinthreeformats(24x24mm,24x36mmand36x36mm)soyo...